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In the Quiet

During the past year, as Covid-19 set in, we were all faced with a new reality.  Suddenly, out of the slowing down and eventual halting of the endless activities that fill our daily lives, a newfound quiet emerged.  

Now, almost a year into this pandemic, I can’t say there haven’t been times when I felt lonely, isolated, fearful and even angry.  And although the quiet has at times given way to these emotions, I welcome and embrace this sacred space, because it is here that  I  feel boundless gratitude for these things:

Our loving God, who is with us always, through good times and the unimaginable bad.

My loved ones, whose care for me is life-giving. 

Food and shelter, which are the most basic of needs, yet so many are living without.

My health and the health of those around me.  So easy to take for granted, yet without guarantee.

The blessing of work, something so many others have lost in these financially devastating days.

The early morning hours, which center and inspire me.

Nature and all its beauty

And,  for the quiet, which illuminates the possibilities and promise ahead, and amplifies the good everywhere.